How to Find Happiness Within Yourself
It would seem that our main thrust in life is finding happiness. Happiness within mankind, happiness within a group, and happiness within our family. But none of this would seem possible unless we find happiness within ourselves.
Finding happiness seems to be a bit daunting knowing that other parts of life can clearly affect our happiness. Can one truly be happy living alone in a world filled with unexpected surprises?
This article will go over the exact reasons why finding happiness became so difficult for you.
What really is happiness?
Is there a standard as to what true happiness is? Was there something that I missed during my life’s lessons that I fully didn’t understand to bring happiness into my life?
Can one be truly happy all the time or are we only subject to moments of happiness?
Are we programmed to live and work for those moments? Why not just make every moment a moment of happiness?
Why is it that one day I can enjoy watching kids playing in the park on a hot sunny day under a cool refreshing water sprinkler and on another day, I find myself wondering what kind of parents allow their kids to play with other kids they don’t know. Don’t they know that kids can transmit germs to one another?
Or have you ever taken a walk and just enjoyed looking at people? Paying no real attention as to who they are or what they’re talking about but just wanting to smile because you’re around them. And why is it, that you walk in that same area on a different day and just suddenly have a distaste for people in general?
My Observation of Happiness in Life
As a dental professional running an office for 32 years, I’ve experienced the same ups and downs of daily living. Waking up one day with eyes aglow and my room brilliantly lit by a sunny day. And why is it that same brilliance lacks substance on another day? What is it about ” How to find happiness within yourself” that can make a day at work extraordinary? Conversely, why is it so difficult to get up and accept the challenges that the day will bring?
Why is happiness important?
How to find happiness within yourself is important. Happiness is a pleasure. You direct your happiness.
Your viewpoint is personal and draws its inspiration from how you interpret your observations. How you view the people around you, events, and the world is solely a self-determined viewpoint that makes life so incredibly worthwhile.
Interpretation of observations is a variability that is distinct to each individual. Just from mere observation, we can see the wild swings that are native to existence itself. Why is it that certain individuals move rhythmically with these wild swings and most of us just seem to be in discord and just accept a dissonance that may or may not be of our own doing?
In essence, is it my opinion or the opinion impressed upon me by others that really matters? If my self-determinism naturally directs me to pleasure, there must be something else in place that can limit how much happiness I can experience.
So what happened?
Happiness Defined
I first needed to find out the agreed-upon definition of happiness. The word happiness and the definition given is the state of being happy.
I then looked up happy and the definition given is a feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. I then wondered, is happiness something that is finite, or is happiness something that has no boundaries, unrestricted by matter, energy, space, and especially time? We’ve been led to believe that happiness is something tangible.
Just look at our society where the stress has been material gains as a reason to be happy. An enforced happiness made thru suggestions by the media, parents, mentors, education, acquaintances, etc. Makes you wonder as to who’s ends are really being served. If happiness is unrestricted and has no boundaries, why is it that we can easily fall prey to despair, hopelessness, sorrow, and sadness?
Social Media: The Hidden Menace
Through careful scrutiny, the media has made a concerted effort to make the calamities of life more relevant. The governmental divide can cause such fanfare that all it ever accomplishes is more distaste amongst its citizens. Today’s economic climate further adds to the confusion and disillusionment. It warrants a feeling of hopelessness as more and more news about the economic downfall is presented.
War has also shown its ugly face, as the battling combatants remind us of the atrocities that come with it. Climate change has also come to the forefront and the end of the world is imminent. Our individual liberties are also threatened as crime rises and fear is infused into the minds of the public.
A generalized overview of what’s going on in our world through the eyes of the media is pervasive and encircles our every movement. Trickling down to the individual citizen and shaping a viewpoint that seems so unnatural but can somehow take away an individual’s freedom. Is it intentional to continually keep us all in a state of suppression? If so, the ugly picture depicted by the media of man will further the division in our society. How to find happiness within yourself can become a somber memory now hidden within the recesses of your mind.
A New Baseline for Man
Contrary to the belief that man is evil, I will approach man as basically good. Using this as a fundamental, we can now extrapolate “How to find happiness within yourself.” Have you ever been around a happy person? What is the feeling you get being around such a person? A happy person infuses life into the area. You may be completely unaware of it, you may not even want to show it, but, that life they bring also raises your livingness( Elan Vital).
Find Happiness in a Group
Have you ever gone out and observed a group or even been part of a group hysterically laughing? How much life and joy is being expressed by that group? How about a football game in a stadium? The roaring of the crowd as they root for their team reverberates throughout your body. There is something magical as each individual can display their happiness as a group. Man, for all intents and purposes, naturally survives in cooperation with one another.
Find Happiness in Everything, Everywhere You Go
As bad as life has been depicted, why is it so easy to draw upon moments of happiness? With eyes closed, can you picture the smile of a baby, the joy a new puppy can bring to a family, the day you got your first paycheck, or even something as simple as a hello from a stranger? As many drops of water, as there are in the ocean, there are as many moments of happiness that can be experienced. These moments of happiness are indelible, permanently fixed, and can be re-experienced upon command. These moments are unique and the experiences differ for each of us. The one constant is that happiness, once unleashed, is an invisible force that restores life to all.
Happiness is There For You to Discover
Happiness is the revelation of truth. A truth that is somewhat limitless and without boundaries. Its only limitation is dependent upon your decision to be the Cause to discover the truth or be the Effect of someone else’s truth. “How to find happiness within yourself” is really a decision of how much of life do you want to participate in.
Life is to be lived.
Your happiness is dependent on you living your life to the fullest.
You’re as happy as you put life into yourself and your environment.
Be well, my friends!
Check out ‘Finding Happiness: The Search’ for more!